Understanding your roles is a very important part of getting the most out of Blesseveryhome.com.
When you initially create your account, a Light role will be automatically created for you. With this role, you can pray for your personal neighbors and track your progress with them.
To view your current roles, click 'MY ACCOUNT' in the upper right-hand corner of the page. If you do not see the 'MY ACCOUNT' link, you are most likely on a page that does not display the top orange bar such as the 'MAP' page. Simply return to the 'DASHBOARD' to find the 'MY ACCOUNT' link.
Your current roles will be displayed near the top of this page. Click any one of the boxes to switch to that role.
An account can have any number of roles associated with it. This allows you to maintain multiple roles all under one email address and password.
It is important to recognize which role contains the information you are wanting to view. For instance, you may be an administrator of an association that has a subscription to the Community Connector and at the same time be an administrator of a church that has a weekly New Movers subscription. In this example, you would need to switch to the role that has the appropriate subscription to view the information.
Each role has its own settings, projects, notes, dashboard, affiliations, etc.